On July 10 evening time, we arrived to a place called Casa Elvira in a small Village which is located in Bucovina. Such quiet and serenity place, Absolutely magical. The place runs by the sweetest, most kindest family that thought that there shouldn’t be a lasting soul that doesn’t enjoy the land of Bucovina, to experience a quiet meditation, the forests that looks the same as it did in the beginning of time. Also they wanted everybody to enjoy the taste of the dishes, the authenticity of the traditions, but mostly the warmth of the hospitality of Bucovina. And they sure delivered with lots of love.
A couple of us planned a surprise party for Nadya, since one of the reasons for this trip was her Bat Mitzvah. She turned 12 on January 29 but we wanted to celebrate with all of our family, and this was the perfect place. A day before my brother Avi and Daniel our guide went and bought balloons and party staff and also called the place and asked them to bake a cake.
We went into our rooms and had a little time to accommodate until dinner time. I got ready real quick and went down to blow the balloons, without Nadya seeing me. Noa my cousin made sure to bring her a little later and we all gathered at the dinning room waiting to surprise her. When she came down she had no idea, and why should she? It was 6 months after her birthday. But nevertheless it was her day and her moment. After all Bat Mitzvah is a huge deal.

Dinner was really good, the women from the place cooked for us such good food, it reminded me of my childhood and all of my moms cooking. We started with chicken soup and Vegetable soup for the vegans. And after that we had Stuffed peppers, roasted potatoes, roasted chicken, and a bunch of yummy salads. They also had home made bread, which was delicious.

This is the cake they made for Nadya, I have never had a cake like this before, it was all creamy and kind of custard with forest fruits inside. It was amazing!! I wish I knew the recipe.

When we finished eatingI we helped clear the dishes and brought them into the kitchen. I stayed and helped them with the dishes. And the leftover pieces of cake that we didn't finish went into a bucket. I was asking them what for? And they said that it goes to their chickens and that their chickens love cake. I was there for a little bit chatting with them while doing the dishes, they told me they never had guests like us before. It felt good to hear that. As far as Im concerned it's much funner to hang with the locals and do what they do and have great conversation with them, than just be a guest and get served on. I will never forget those people, I totally fell in love with them.

This is a plant I saw for the first time in Romania, never saw it before. I was very impressed with its beauty. I found out its called Purple Shamrock Plant or Oxalis which has three common names, False Shamrock, Purple Shamrock and Love Plant. The plant is also a little bit magic, because it can revive itself from the dead!

The place had a beautiful outdoor area for the kids to play, so after dinner I went out with Pierra to the yard so she can play. She got to play with her cousin Noa some ping pong before we went up to bed and retired for the night. It was a very long and satisfying day.

Sitting around the table after a long and very fulfilling day to plan the next day of our trip. By this time I was so tired and done, I retired and went to bed, I trusted them to come out with the perfect plan.

The video of us surprising Nadya, and she surly was surprised!
#Suceava #Romania #Bucovina #Vama #Romaniascountryside #natureofromania #romaniascountryside #romania #romanianfood #Romaniaisbeautiful #BatMitzvah #Forest #PensiuneaCasaElvira #Nature #Beautifulcountry #BeautifulRomania #Myroots #vacation #vacationing #bedandbreakfast #Bukovina #meditation #authenticity #Romanianauthenticity #Romaniantraditions #village #guesthouse #villageofVama #SuceavaCounty #freshmountainair #mountainair #diningroom #extraordinarydishes #oldrecipesfromBukovina #authenticRomanianhousehold #ELVIRAMANSION