It's been quite a while since I wrote in my blog. Today is the perfect day for me to go to my happy place, which is in Bucovina Romania at Casa Elvira.
In the morning of July 11, I knew I was waking up in heaven. Till this day, this is my happy place I go to.
We were supposed to wake up and meet for breakfast around 9:00 am, but I couldn't bare the thought of sleeping in, in such a magical place, so I woke up really early and got dressed to go out and explore. It was such a quiet morning and so very beautiful.
I walked downstairs and went for a walk. The place had its own gardens and filled with all the kinds of fruit trees that you can imagine. It was as green as far as the eye can see. I was in awe of the serenity and beauty of this place. I walked out of the gate and saw couple of villagers in the distance. I decided I need to talk to them, so I approached them. It was a man, what looks like he was in his 40's, standing on an old fashioned horse drawn wagon, shoveling hay into a barn window that an old man was in, perhaps his dad? And a sweet old lady with a cotton scarf on her head that totally reminded me of members of my family wearing it, when I was growing up. She reminded me so much of my uncle's Sami's wife Peppi, She was always wearing a cotton scarf on her head. I remember when I was little she was always curing my headaches in a very witch craft way. She will hold my head with both of her hands and say something in Romanian and pretend to spit and wildly my headaches will always go away. It made me feel so related and totally felt my roots there. I started talking to them with my very heavy Romanian accent but nevertheless I was pretty good at communicating . I was shocked at how good I was talking to them, after all I was pretty rusty on the language, I haven't used it for so many years. They were so warm and welcoming. I told them Im from America, and they were so sweet about it and about talking to me. I asked them If I can take pictures of them and of course they agreed. I felt like such a National Geographic moment. It was surreal, I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. It was a dream come true for me.

Sleepy girls Nadya, Pierra with their cousin Shahar, early in the morning, not ready to be up like their super enthusiastic mommy :)

The breathtaking view from my window, when I woke up.

They were working so hard, but they looked so content and so in their element.

The grandfather came out of the barn to talk to me and shortly after Jay joined us. He so reminds me of my uncle Sami. What kind, nice and friendly people.

This lovely lady took me in her barn to look at her cows, I think she maybe was the wife of the guy on the wagon.

On our way back to Casa Elvira my mom found us, and we saw this lovely guy, I wish I remembered his name. He offered to give us a ride on his hay wagon. My mom and I went a very short ride. Even though I always wanted to live on a farm, I realized how much of a city girl I am, as you can see in the video :)

This is the chicken coop of Casa Elvira.

The grandmother from this place was up and collecting fresh eggs. When she saw me, she invited me in to see the coop and also asked me what type of eggs I want for breakfast so she can make me fresh eggs. In the background it's her granddaughter Klara, helping around with the family business.

After my adventures outside Casa Elvira, decided to explorer the back yard,I found a little gate and walked through it and looking up I heard bells, It was a couple of cows eating up in the hills. Truly magical! I wish to live like that one day.
I took a video, if you can scroll down a couple of pictures, you will find the video.

After exploring for awhile Mr. Banciu, the grandfather and the owner of Casa Elvira saw Jay and I exploring, he called us to show us how he was making his Palinca. It was around 7:00 am and he offered us a drink. I laughed and said no thank you it's a bit to early, but he didn't think it was too early, its never too early for a shot of good Palinca. What a sweet and mellow guy. He told me that around 10 years ago he bought this piece of land, that was empty. Now he has more than 400 trees of everything that you can think of, and he pretty much plant them himself.

Balloons lying around from last night celebration of nada's Bat Mitzvah.

It was time to go back and meet my family for breakfast. Breakfast was awesome! It was made fresh from everything they have in their farm, from home made, yogurt, butter, bread, milk jams to fresh picked eggs. Yummm!!

I walked into the kitchen to thank the lovely ladies from Casa Elvira, for their incredible hospitality and they gave me a little tour of the kitchen. I wanted to take pictures of the home made bread and the young woman, I don't remember her name took the bread and placed it on a table that would suit my picture :) I am totally in love with the people in this village.

Finally it was time to say goodbye to Mr. Banciu and his beautiful family. Thank you for your amazing hospitality! I would LOVE to go back there one day.

#Casaelvira #CasaElvira #PensiuneaCasaElvira #Romanianalcoholicbeverage #Romaniandrink #smallVillageinRomania #Romaniantradition #Romanianauthenticity #Romaniantraditions #natureofromania #Romaniascountryside #romanian #romaniantradition #BeautifulRomania #romania #romaniascountryside #villageofVama #village #villagers #happyplace #myhappyplace #EasternEurope #easterneurope #familytrip #familyrootstrip #Familytrip #family #myfamily #familyrootstrip #familyvacation #familytime #familytrip #horseandcarriage #horseandwagon #hay #hillsside #cows #breakfastinromania #bedandbreakfast #Bukovina #Bucovina #beautifulnature #beautifulwalk #beautifulplacetovisit #Beautifulcountry #Romaniaisbeautiful #forestfruits #cherries #chickencoop