We left Bicaz Canyon and were heading to a surprise place, which Im going to write about on my next post. On the way we passed a place called Bicaz Dam.
Bicaz-Stejaru Hydro Power Plant is a hydropower development on the Bistriţa River, near Bicaz, Romania.
The project started and finished in the 1950s. It consists of a dam, a reservoir and a hydro power plant.
The dam is a reinforced concrete structure with a height of 127 m; it formed and holds Bicaz Lake reservoir, also known as Mountain Spring Lake ("Lacul Izvorul Muntelui").
The reservoir is the largest artificial lake in Romania; it manages river levels downstream, provides fishing, attracts tourism, fuels the power plant, and controls flooding.

The costs to build the dam was nearly 1.7 billions lei. Hundreds of people lost their lives building it which many of them were convicts (most of them were political convicts that were specialists in the field), military men and brigadiers.
For the project to be accomplished, nearly 20 villages had to be displaced.