This is the morning of July 8, while we were at the Adventure Park, My brother Avi decided to go on a hike in a place called Seven Ladders Canyon known in Romanian as Canionul Sapte Scari, by himself for much needed alone time. One of his favorite things to do, its to get "lost" in nature.
The beautiful Roxana, Our tour guide Daniel's wife. Which BTW today was her birthday, drove Avi to the Canyon. On the way there, they had such a delightful conversation, she told him about her trip to Israel and how much she enjoyed it. A true sweetheart of a woman. Roxana dropped my brother at his destination and he had to walk to the gates of the attraction into the forest about an hour. It was slightly nerve racking since he was all alone and there is always the possibility of getting lost in the forest. But also knowing my bother, he loves those feelings of a good challenge and he embraces those feelings. He took his time and did not rush to get to the gate. He described to me, that the whole way there, there were carpets of beautiful wild flowers, and also he really loved the sound of streams of water and birds everywhere. It made him feel so peaceful, relaxed and free. It was so green everywhere. The walk was supposed to be one hour, it took him around two hours to get to where he was supposed to start his actual hike just because e stopped a lot, to take it all in and take pictures, of this beautiful magical place. Finally he got to where he was supposed to be, and there were two different entrances. So he picked one and went in with a few people on his hike. The place is called Seven Ladders Canyon because of its main seven waterfalls within the canyons. There are ladders that were build parallel to the waterfalls, so you can climb along the side of the falls. My brother really loved this place and I think his soul really needed that.
Unfortunately only on the way down from this hike , that he realized that he could have Zipped Lined his way down, but it was too late, he was almost half way through. At the end of the trail our guide Daniel was already there waiting for him, to bring him back, to reunite with the rest of us. The timing could not be any better. It's a hike of around 5 hours and he was just in time to come back when we were done at the adventure park. So its easy to say both my brother and the rest of the group had an amazing day!

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