This is the morning of July 8th which somehow I skipped, It was between the post of Ending Day 2 and The Parade.
We wanted to take the kids to a place they will have fun. We had to decide between A water park and a rope park. We googled both and came to the conclusion that the rope park will be more fun for us. While we were going to the park my brother went by himself to another adventure which was a hike in the forest. I totally would have joined him, but I decided to let him have, a much needed alone time. My next post will be about his beautiful hike in the forest.
It was only Jay, I and the kids that went climbing. It was too much for the grandmothers and my cousin David had a messed up back, so he couldn't join us. So Yochi my cousin and her husband David will join us later.
They got us all ready with harness and gloves and off we went. It was pretty awesome. The big kids just took off and Jay and I stayed with Pierra the all time. We lied about her age we said she was 8 instead of 7so they can let her get into the big park with all of us. The whole thing was challenging for her. I was so extremely proud!! She had no fear whatsoever, I was more afraid than she was. She did most of her rout until we got to the end part and she was too short to reach, so we had to get taken down with a ladder.
So we went down and went and looked for the rest of our group. At the end there was an option of a big Zip Line across a big lake, We got there right on time to see most of them zip lining , except I did not see Nadya. Thankfully to Daniel I have a short video of her Going on the zip line.
Pierra was ready to also go on the Zip Line, but Nadya convinced her that it would have been too much for her. So I decided not to let Pierra go on it. And We bribed her with Ice Cream, cause she wouldn't have it. She really wanted to go on the Zip Line.
Since we couldn't really take pictures, Im very thankful for Daniel our guide, for taking some pictures of us, other wise we would not have any pictures from this park.

For the park website, press on the picture below

The bottom picture is Pierra on her way to do the big zip line before Nadya was rushing to us to tell her not to do it.

Shahar #1
Shahar #2
Yaeli #2
It was a perfect timing, when we were done, Avi just arrived from his hike and we all went to the mall for lunch and some shopping.
Shahar kept saying she want Starbucks, I asked her if she ever had the Unicorn drink fro there and she said, she never had Starbucks in Israel. I did not realize that, and now I understood, why she kept saying I need to have Starbucks. So immediately after lunch we took her to have her first treat from Starbucks and she was so happy and over the moon.

Shahar first drink from Starbucks ever!!!

After our mall visit we headed back to a big sporting good store for more shopping of course.

The kids had fresh squeezed Orange Juice from a machine. It was the best OJ I ever had in my life!!

After the shopping we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. All the kids, Avi and Jay went to the pool before we headed to one of my favorite restaurant on our trip.