Some of us were heading out to see the Black Church,The other part of the group stayed at Council Square.The church is the largest Gothic church between Vienna and Istanbul, towers over Council Square and the old town. First we needed a little cute bakery break, before entering the church. We spoiled ourselves with some really yummy desserts and coffee. I badly had to have Savarina, which I have been dreaming about for a very long time. It is a super yummy dessert. I have a not so good picture of it on the bottom :) But is was s so yummy! Was so worth the wait!

In the picture below is a very famous Romanian dessert called Savarina, that I was waiting for so long to have. Super yummy!!!

Girls are enjoying a really yummy dessert!

After our break we continued to the Black Church. We could not take pictures inside, since everything is so old and photography can damage the art effects. It's a shame, since it was really fascinating.
The Black Church got its name from the big fire in 1689 by invaders, that partially destroyed the church. You can actually see some of the fire damage on the exterior of the church.
Picture below is taken from Wikipedia, since I don't have a proper image of the church.

The Organ below is known to be the biggest Organ from 1839 with the 4000 pipes.
Click on the picture to take you to a link with more info about this beautiful Organ.
The Picture below is a post card I bought of the 10 women Virtues that representing , Hard work, Confidence, Wisdom, self-restraint, Abstinence, Patience, Generosity,Love, Kindness and fear of god. I love that they chose women to represent those qualities in people. It was beautifully painted inside the church. I couldn't take pictures inside, so I got a couple from the internet.

This is another incredible story of the Virgin Mary painting inside the church. Her dress used to be the color blue before the fire, and mysteriously it turned black after the fire. Pretty incredible.

There were a lot of great stories that we heard about the Black Church. One of the stories is in the picture below on top of one of the exterior pillars is the statue of a little boy in danger of falling.The story says that the little boy was an amazingly skilled apprentice who made his master jealous during the construction of the Black Church. The master pushed the boy to his death and later rest of the builders decided to create the statue so that the talented young boy would not be forgotten.

After we finished our tour inside the church, we were going to meet our second part of our group, that did not want to join us on this tour. On the way there we saw this two lads. I just had to snap this picture. They were gracious enough to late me take a picture of them. In fact they are the ones that asked me if I want to take a picture and they posed for me. Everybody is so nice in Romania.

#BisericaNeagră #BlackChurch #Goth #Gothic #GothicChurch #Romania #Brasov #Europe #Church #travel #traveling #Traveling #Architecture #familyrootstrip #Gothicarchitecture #Organ #VirginMary #Brașov #womenvirtues #dessert #savarina #Savarina #chocolatedessert #family #romaniantradition #traditionalcloth #tradition