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Cheile Gradistei Fundata

We were supposed to continue to a different place, but since our guide Daniel knew that we are nature lovers he decided to do a detour and take us to a place he knew we will appreciate. So off we go climbing a big mountain to a view that none of us could have imagined. Mountains upon mountains, with more green than the definition of the color green itself. Just WOW!!! We stayed there and had lunch, the kids got to run around and play a little, after being in the bus for a long time. The view could not be short of a fairytale.

A little off the subject, I do not like heights. Good, and now that you know that, on the way down I was freaking out a bit, so our driver Daniel, Im not sure if I was driving him crazy, or the way down was just stressful, decided to put the most calming and beautiful music called, Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 by George Enescu, which was a Romanian composer, violinist, pianist, conductor, and teacher. Believe it or not, it melted all my stress away, and all of a sudden my fears got replaced with joy and beauty and I was able to fully enjoy the magical view around me. I love this music so much that I decided to make a video of this beautiful Rhapsody to go with our photos from Cheile Gradistei Fundata, Enjoy!

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