After an emotional and incredible first day in Romania, which exceed all our expectations, we continued to our beautiful hotel Esprit, situated in the heart of Brasov, Transylvania. What a magical location and place in the middle of the mountains, so much green everywhere. Right next door there was a castle, in front we saw a long driveway that leads to that castle. They had a few Peacocks, white and some colorful one too, they also had a dog and a beautiful pond with white swans and a bunch of white gees. I have been told by Daniel our guide, that the person that lives in this castle is a guy that owns an Asphalt company. Life is good in Romania, I guess you can buy a castle if you do well.
The people that ran that hotel we were staying in, were so warm and sweet. The employees of the hotel live right next to it in a beautiful house. One family had 2 little girls, they were always outside playing in the garden, reminds me of my childhood, no iPhones , no computers, just plain and pure playing outside and getting dirty, childhood. I kind of envied that and wished it for my kids. We had a little time to get in our rooms, get ready and continue to have our dinner.
Don't miss the video of the view from my hotel room, all the way on the bottom of the page.