We made it!! Romania is breathtaking!!!wow!!! It really is surreal here. My family had very short flight from Israel, on the other hand our flight was loooong. For those who knows me, I'm terrified of flying,I mean maximum fear!!I usually take a little chill pill but this time I decided to face my fear and went all natural, it wasn't easy but I made it! It sure feels good! I always thought of what is waiting for me in the other side, my family . At the airport I got to see 2 of my childhood friends Guy and Shoshi, they work at LAX, Guy made sure we get good sits that Jay can sit comfortably with his long legs and Shoshi made sure we wait in no lines. Thank you so much Guy and Shoshi! I love you both! I burst out in tears when we landed, I think all my emotions just came out as I knew I came to the city where my father my aunt my uncle and my grandmother grew up, Bucharest. I knew Im going to see all my family. I had so many mixed emotions, I was also very relieved and proud of myself for facing my biggest fear of flying. I was also very sad and emotional that my dad wasn't here with us, we planned this trip with him, it was his big dream to go there as a family and he didn't make it. I was also extremely excited to see my all family! The way to the hotel was so beautiful! Its like nothing Iv'e ever seen in my life. I was in Romania when I was 12 years old, but I guess I didn't appreciate things the way I do now. The architecture was simply breathtaking. When we got to the hotel I saw through the car window my brother Avi and my cousin Yochi having a stroll in front of the hotel, we got so excited when we so them, they didn't realize at first whats going on, it took a second until they realized it's us. Needless to say, we jumped on each other with so much joy, and we were ready to take on this extremely incredible adventure.